Admission for Master study programme in Actuarial Science and Financial Mathematics at UAC Benin from the academic year 2015-2016
In order to meet the requests of students from Benin, the West African sub-region and of the Africa in general, the Department of Mathematics of FAST, IMSP and HERCI of the UAC together with Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München university (Germany) as well as the actuarial association: Association pour la Promotion des Sciences Actuarielles/Ecole Supérieure d'Actuariat (APSA/ESA) (Association for the Promotion of Actuarial Science/Actuarial Science School) lunch the
3rd promotion of Master in Actuarial Science and Financial Mathematics in respect of the academic year 2015-2016.
Such training is available for national and international students holding a Bachelor's Degree or a Master's Degree in:
- Mathematics,
- Statistics,
- Economics,
- Physics
- Actuarial Science.
Particular emphasis is placed on the applicants' level in Mathematics.
The teaching languages are French and English. The actuarial association "Association pour la Promotion des Sciences Actuarielles/Ecole Supérieure d'Actuariat" (APSA/ESA) (Association for the Promotion of Actuarial Science/Actuarial Science School) provides two (02) full scholarships or four (04) half scholarships to nationals of Benin and the countries of the sub-region. These scholarships are sponsored up to 61% by the German NGO "Aktuarwissen für Afrika e.V." A full scholarship covers full registration and tuition fees.
So do not hesitate anymore! Seize this chance of a lifetime and achieve your dream of becoming a qualified Actuary.
Make you Pre-Registration NOW
(a) The pre application forms consist of:
- The education languages are French and English.
- Pre-Inscription form (to be obtained at our Department; or downloaded)
- Birth certificate
- Certified copy of required diploma(s)
- Three up-to-date passport pictures
- Four envelops with stamps (medium format)
- Two essays (cf. page 07 of the Application form) preferably one in English and one in French, if not both in the same language.
- Application fee FCFA 10 000 (€ 15) and FCFA 20 000 (€ 30)
for foreign student.
- Please send your essays as word documents (.doc) and your Application Form as PDF document (.pdf) to
Deadline for pre-registration: September 30, 2015, 06:00 p.m.
(b) Documents required:
- a cover letter
- a complete and updated CV
- a legalized copy of a civil status certificate
- a legalized copy of university degrees
- a legalized copy of academic transcripts
- a legalized copy of the High School Diploma (G.C.E ‘A’ Level) grade sheet
Available scholarships: 02 full scholarships or 04 half scholarships per country
Application fees: FCFA 10 000 (€15) for Beninese and FCFA 20 000 (€ 30) for others
Registration fees: FCFA 51200 for Beninese (further information will added regarding nationals of the other countries)
Tuition fees: FCFA 450 000
For further information contact us at (+229) 93 41 00 26 or email us to:;
Venue for application submission: Secretariat of FAST/UAC- Secretariat of the Department of Mathematics/FAST/UAC.
IMPORTANT: Please specify if you are able to bear the training expenses in case you are not a grant holder.
